* 1962, currently based: SAO PAULO
Affiliated institution: University of Sao Paulo
http://www.desvirtual.com / gb@devirtual.com
Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist and Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP). Her work include interventions in public spaces, networked projects and mobile art applications, exhibited internationally in the main media art museums, research centers and contemporary art venues like, ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany), Gallery @ Calit2 (UCSD, USA) and the Sao Paulo Biennial. Curator of Technofagias – the 3rd 3M Digital Art Show and the on-line festivals HTTP_Video and HTTP_Pix among others, she is editor of seLecT magazine and the author of many books and articles about the contemporary nomadism and digital culture practices.
2011 - 2015 Editor in Chief - seLecT magazine / Founder editor (with Paula Alzugaray) and Editor in Chief
2011 Professor - University of Sao Paulo
2008 - 2010 Artistic Director - Sergio Motta Institute / Sergio Motta Institute was responsible for the main art and technology award in Latin America
2008 - 2010 Artistic Director - Sergio Motta Institute / Sergio Motta Institute was responsible for the main art and technology award in Latin America
2001 - 2010 Professor for Graduate Studies at the PUC - SP, Sao Paolo
2001 - 2009 New World (novo mundo) Editor for Trópico / www.uol.com.br/tropico
2000 - 2001 Creative Editor for Brasil On Line / www.bol.com.br
1996 - 1998 On Line Communities Editor for Universo On Line / www.uol.com.br
1987 - 1991 PhD. at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) / History Department; PhD. American studies, Cultural History.
Presented a thesis on Hemingway and the Spanish Civil War.
1985 - 1986 Specialization at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) / Education Department
1981 - 1984 Undergraduate at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) / History Department
- »I LV Yr GIF« 2013
- »URnotHere« 2012
- »egoscopio 2.0« 2004
- »esc for escape« 2004
- »//**Code_UP« 2004
- »Poetrica« 2003
- »egoscope« 2002
- »Recycled« 2001
- »Content = No Cache« 2000
- »wordotcomnodot« 2000
Possible Futures: Art, Museum and Digital Archives. Book launch and presentation at sp-arte
Possible Futures: Art, Museum and Digital Archives. Book launch and presentation at sp-arte
Ensslin, Astrid. Literary Gaming. Massachusetts: Institute of Technology, 2014.
Beiguelman, Giselle and Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, ed. Futuros Possíveis: Arte, Museus e Arquivos Digitais. São Paulo: Periópolis/ Edusp, 2014.
Beiguelman, Giselle and Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, ed. Possible Futures: Art, Museums and Digital Archives. São Paulo: Peirópolis/ Edusp, 2014.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Cine del “postubo” en la era del fin de lo virtual.« In El cine hace escuela, edited by Jorge La Ferla and Luis Alberto Quevedo, 183-191. Buenos Aires: Fundacion Telefonica, 2014.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Arte pós-virtual: criação e agenciamento no tempo da Internet
das Coisas e da próxima natureza
(Post virtual: art in the Internet of Things age.« In Cyber-Arte-Cultura: A trama das redes, edited by Fernando PessoaVol.7. Seminários Internacionais Vale, , 146-176. Vitória: Museu da Vale do Rio Doce, 2013.
Beiguelman, Giselle, ed. Tecnofagias: ciência de ponta/ ciência de garagem
(III Mostra 3M de arte digital: Tecnofagias. / curator de Giselle Beiguelman). São Paulo/ Instituto Tomie Ohtake: Elo 3, 2012.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Espaços de Subordinação e Contestação nas Redes Sociais.« Revista USP , no. 92 (December/ February 2012): 20-31.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Copiar é preciso. Inventar não é preciso..« seLecT 01, no. 01 (August/September 2011): 37-43.
Beiguelman, Giselle and Jorge La Ferla, ed. Nomadismos Tecnológicos (Dispositivos móviles: usos masivos y prácticas artísticas). Buenos Aires: Ariel, 2011.
Schäfer, Jörgen and Peter Gendolla, ed. Beyond the Screen: Transformations of literary structures, Interfaces and Genres. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010.
Beiguelman, Giselle, ed. HTTPVideo, HTTPpix: Creative Processes and Criticism in Image Networks. São Paulo: Instituto Sergio Motta, 2010.
Beiguelman, Giselle, ed. _HTTPpix _HTTPvideo Criação e Crítica nas Redes de Imagens. São Paulo: Instituto Sergio Motta, 2010.
Santaella, Lucia. Linguagens Líquidas na era da mobilidade. São Paulo: Paulus, 2009.
Beiguelman, Giselle and Lucas Bambozzi and Marcus Bastos and Rodrigo Minelli, ed. apropriations of the (un) common public and private space in times of mobility. São Paulo: Instituto Sergio Motta, 2009.
Paul, Christiane. Digital Art. World of Art Series, New York: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2008.
Funkhouser, C.T.. Prehistoric digital poetry. An archeology of forms 1959-1995. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2007.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »For an aesthetics of transmission.« First Monday , no. Special Issue 4 (February 2006).
Beiguelman, Giselle. Link-se: arte/mídia/política/cibercultura.. São Paulo: Peirópolis, 2005.
Beiguelman, Giselle. O Livro depois do Livro. Sao Paulo: Editora Peiropolis, 2003.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »WYSIWyG or WYGIWyS? (What you see is what you get or what you get
is what you see?.« In pOes1s. Ästhetik digitaler Poesie, edited by Friedrich W. Block and Christiane Heibach and Karin Wenz. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2004.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Bricks/Bits.html: Intervenções urbanas 1.0.« In Intervenções urbanas. Arte/Cidade, edited by Nelson Brissac Peixoto. São Paulo, Brazil: Senac, 2002.
Beiguelman, Giselle. »Liquid Texts.« Leonardo Electronic Almanac 10, no. 08 (2002).