* 1972
Golan Levin is an artist and educator whose interests lie in reactive expression, non-verbal communication and technologies that explore our relationships with machines and computational systems. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, where he studied in the Aesthetics and Computation Group. Levin is currently Associate Professor of Electronic Art and Director of the Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. His work has been exhibited throughout Europe, America and Asia. He has shown at the Whitney Biennial and the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, the Ars Electronica Center, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei and ZKM, (Centre for Art and Media), Karlsruhe.
September 2007 – Present Associate Professor of Electronic Time Based Art, School of Art, Carnegie Mellon University, College of Fine Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
January 2004 - August 2007 Assistant Professor of Electronic Time Based Art, School of Art, Carnegie Mellon University, College of Fine Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
January 2009 – Present Director of the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
2010 New Museum of Contemporary Art
2009 Whitney Biennial
2006 The Dumpster [2006]
2002 The Secret Lives of Numbers [2002]
2001 Dialtones: A Telesymphony [2001]
2000 Award of Distinction in the Prix Ars Electronica for his Audiovisual Environment Suite
- »Terrapattern« 2016
- »Opto-Isolator« 2007
- »Axis Applet« 2002
Exhibitions & Events
Publications & References
Onedotzero. Motion Blur 2: Multidimensional Moving Imagemakers. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing, 2009.
Beddard, Honor and Douglas Dodds. V and A Pattern: Digital Pioneers. London: V and A Publishing, 2009.
Catherine Mason. A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins of British Computer Arts
1950-1980. Norfolk, UK: JJG Publishing, 2008.
Onedotzero. Motion Blur: Graphic Moving Imagemakers Publishers. London, UK: Laurence King Publishers, 2006.
Onedotzero. Motion Blur 2: Multidimensional Moving Imagemakers. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing, 2009.
Beddard, Honor and Douglas Dodds. V and A Pattern: Digital Pioneers. London: V and A Publishing, 2009.
Catherine Mason. A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins of British Computer Arts
1950-1980. Norfolk, UK: JJG Publishing, 2008.
Onedotzero. Motion Blur: Graphic Moving Imagemakers Publishers. London, UK: Laurence King Publishers, 2006.