Vita: Susanne Schuricht is based in Berlin. Her work engages in installations and photography and is about "the perception of seeing." In many of here installations the human scale and interaction are relevant.
From 1997 - 2003 she studied Industrial Design and Experimental Media Design at the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin), graduating in 2003 with an MA in Industrial Design. Other studies include art history at the Technical University Berlin, painting restoration at at the department
for historic preservation in North Rhine-Westphalia and photography at the Museum Folkwang, Germany.
Her artwork was shown and published interdisziplinary, in the international art scene, but also at architectural biennales and scientific conferences. e.g. 2009 evento collaterale alla 53. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. December 01, 2007 - March 1, 2008 Shenzhen-Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, China ; 2007 Tangible And Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI 07), USA; 2006 ParticipART exhibition and conference at MART, Museum of Modern Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy.
From 1997 - 2003 she studied Industrial Design and Experimental Media Design at the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin), graduating in 2003 with an MA in Industrial Design. Other studies include art history at the Technical University Berlin, painting restoration at at the department
for historic preservation in North Rhine-Westphalia and photography at the Museum Folkwang, Germany.
Her artwork was shown and published interdisziplinary, in the international art scene, but also at architectural biennales and scientific conferences. e.g. 2009 evento collaterale alla 53. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. December 01, 2007 - March 1, 2008 Shenzhen-Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, China ; 2007 Tangible And Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI 07), USA; 2006 ParticipART exhibition and conference at MART, Museum of Modern Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy.
2003 MA in Industrial Design University of the Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin) / Faculty of Industrial Design, in the digital class of Interaction Design
2000 BA in Industrial Design Faculty of Industrial Design University of the Arts, Berlin
1994 BA in History of Arts Technical University Berlin (TU-Berlin)
1993 - 1996 Apprenticeships and assistance Restoration of Paintings and Photography
1991 International Baccalaureate Diploma Askanian College, Berlin
- »marozia« 1999
Schuricht, Susanne. »Freequent Traveller: Interaction Versus Contemplation.« In TEI'07 Proceedings of First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, edited by TEI'07. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA: ACM /U.S.A., 2007.