Maurice Benayoun >
»Adam smith's invisible hand«, 2010 - 2010
Le concept de la Main Invisible développé par Adam Smith m’a toujours fasciné. En ces périodes électorales étasuniennes où il est brandi comme argument ultime, quasi mystique, pour justifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé est une forme de générosité indirecte et qu’une main invisible redistribuera les richesses qu’ils auront acquises, il est temps de remettre icônes et croyances à leur place.
Je propose la création d’un hologramme sur lequel la Main exprimerait sans ambiguïté sa générosité profonde, dans un geste ferme, le majeur dressé, luxueusement couronné de valeurs résolument et définitivement acquises.
DA Editor 04-02-2016
The concept of Invisible Hand developed by Adam Smith has always fascinated me. In These American election periods where he brandished the ultimate argument, almost mystical, to justify the position of those who think their assumed selfishness is a form of indirect generosity and an invisible hand will redistribute the wealth they have acquired. It is time to put icons and beliefs in their place. I propose the creation of a hologram on which the hand unambiguously express his profound generosity, in a firm gesture, the raised finger, luxuriously crowned values resolutely and definitively acquired.
DA Editor: Adam smith's invisible hand, 04-02-2016, in: Archive of Digital Art The concept of Invisible Hand developed by Adam Smith has always fascinated me. In These American election periods where he brandished the ultimate argument, almost mystical, to justify the position of those who think their assumed selfishness is a form of indirect generosity and an invisible hand will redistribute the wealth they have acquired. It is time to put icons and beliefs in their place. I propose the creation of a hologram on which the hand unambiguously express his profound generosity, in a firm gesture, the raised finger, luxuriously crowned values resolutely and definitively acquired.