Knowbotic Research >
»anonymous muttering«, 2001
Co-Workers & Funding:
University of Florence Co-Worker:Display
public sphereurban Interfaces
interventions in urban and electronic sounds analog and digital interfaces live-webcast
"AM anonymous muttering" 1996 - 1997 public sphere urban Interfaces Web interface interventions in urban and electronic sounds analog and digital interfaces live-webcast
Eventmodul::anonymous.databody.muttering addresses the phenomenon of our digital identity. knowbotic research builds data bodies from the many personal traces we leave when using forms of digital communication. In this installation, visitors can activate the databodies of several ART Basel -participants, while these data streams in turn trigger acoustic and optical signals, and thus provide a spacial experience.
Meyer, Eva. »Me as MacGhillie.« In Opaque Presence. Manual of Latent Invisibilities, edited by Andreas Broeckmann and Knowbotic Research. Berlin, Zürich: Diaphenes Verlag, 2010.
Broeckmann, Andreas. »The Naked Bandit in the Theatre of Visibilities. Control, Attention
and Performance in Recent Projects by Knowbotic Research.« Knowbotic Research (online) (2010).
Schmidt, Sabine Maria. »be prepared! tiger!.« Article Artist´s Homepage.
Nechvatal, Joseph. Immersive Ideals / Critical Distances. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009, 2009.
Paul, Christiane. Digital Art. World of Art Series, New York: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2008.
Popper, Frank. From Technological to Virtual Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.
krcf. »Transcoding Sovereignty: Naked Bandit/Here, Not Here/White Sovereign.« In Sarai Reader 2005: Bare Acts, edited by Monica Narula and Shuddhabrata Sengupta and Jeebesh Bagchi and Geert Lovink, 111-114. Delhi: Sarai Media Lab, 2005.
Arns, Inke and Jacob Lillemose. »Es arte contemporáneo, imbecil - Comisarios de arte digital para
sacarlos del gueto, a minima.« new media, actual art 13 (2005): 164-175.
krcf. »Knowbotic Research The Dilemma: Naked bandit Transcoding Extra-territorialities,
Floating Sovereignties and Non-publics.« keine genaue Jahresangabe.