a computer (with Windows OS and java run time environment); a mobile phone with camera and bluetooth;
an USB bluetooth adapter or a computer with bluetooth
CODEUP1, a special and free application developed with Nokia Institute of Technology, an expanded version of "Zoom" by Casey Reas, built with processing (www.processing.org), based on a server-client application. The software can be downloaded at the web site.
//**Code_me_UP investigates the role of the code in the meaning construction and the forms of visibility mediated by mobile communication devices.
In the exhibition space, the audience can capture pictures with cell phones with camera and send them to large screens via bluetooth where they are transformed into mobile matrixes that can be managed by keyboard and mouse commands, acquiring variable movement and density.
Those matrixes are the result of algorithmic manipulation performed by a program that operates by converting the RGB color numeric values in height measures.