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©; Stanza


  • aesthetics
    • acoustic
    • affective
    • anamorphic
    • animated
    • anthropomorph
    • assembled
    • automated
    • autopoietic
    • collaborative
    • contextual
    • cybernetic
    • disgusting
    • documenting
    • duplicated
    • dynamic system
    • ephemeral
    • experimental
    • found object
    • generative
    • gustatory
    • hypermediacy
    • illusionary
    • immaterial
    • immersive
    • installation-based
    • interactive
    • intermedial
    • intervention
    • mobile
    • modular
    • multi-user
    • multiple
    • narrative
    • navigable
    • networked
    • olfactory
    • panoramatic
    • performative
    • polysensory
    • processual
    • projected
    • real-time
    • remediated
    • remixed
    • sculptural
    • site-specific
    • sonification
    • sublime
    • tactile
    • telematic
    • three-dimensional
    • time-based
    • uncanny
    • virtual
    • visual
  • genre
    • Bio Art
      • Genetic Art
      • Transgenic Art
    • Database Art
    • Digital Activism
    • Digital Animation
    • Digital Community (Social Network)
    • Digital Graphics
    • Game Art
    • Glitch Art
    • Hybrid Art
    • Installation
      • augmented reality
      • interactive installation
      • mixed reality
      • performative installation
      • sound installation
      • virtual reality
        • 360° virtual walktrough
    • Nano Art
    • Net Art
    • Performance
      • Computer performance
      • Happening
      • multimedia performance
      • sound performance
      • video performance
    • robotics
    • Telematic Art
  • subject
      • algorithm
      • anthropology
      • archaeology
      • artificial intelligence
      • astronomy
      • biology
      • botany
      • cartography
      • code
      • combinatorics
      • cyberspace
      • database
      • documentation
      • emergence
      • evidence
      • experiment
      • geography
      • geometry
      • history of science
      • humanities
      • library
      • light
      • machine
      • mathematic
      • medicine
      • microscopy
      • nanotechnology
      • neuroscience
      • philosophy
      • physics
      • psychology
      • Representation of knowledge
      • research
      • science
      • scientific image
      • space
      • statistics
      • stereoscope
      • allegory
      • animation
      • architecture
      • art history
      • art market
      • artistic invention
      • beauty
      • cinema
      • Concept Art
      • conservation
      • dance
      • expanded cinema
      • fashion
      • gaze
      • grid
      • illusion
      • image
      • literature
      • mask
      • materiality
      • mirror
      • model
      • museum
      • music
      • nude
      • panopticon
      • panorama
      • personification
      • perspective
      • poetry
      • projection
      • representation
      • shadow
      • sketch
      • spectator
      • symbolism
      • theatre
      • Theory
        • complexity
        • media theory
        • modernism
        • postmodernism
        • poststructuralism
        • semiotics
        • simulacrum
      • virtuality
      • visual culture
      • agency
      • anatomy
      • body
      • breathing
      • cybersex
      • cyborg
      • death
      • disease
      • dream
      • embodiment
      • empathy
      • expression
      • eye
      • facial expression
      • fantasy
      • feeling
        • affect
        • emotion
      • gender
      • genetics
      • gesture
      • hand
      • human
      • identity
      • intimacy
      • movement
      • pain
      • perception
      • performativity
      • physiognomy
      • posthuman
      • self awareness
      • senses
      • sexuality
      • skin
      • speech
      • surgery
      • ancestor
      • antiquity
      • archive
      • artifacts
      • collective memory
      • colonialism
      • cultural heritage
      • historical site
      • historism
      • history
      • meme
      • memorial
      • modern era
      • nostalgia
      • postcolonialism
      • preservation
      • romanticism
      • teleology
      • tradition
      • access
      • advertising
      • Big Data
      • broadcast
      • commerce
      • communication
      • electronic media
      • error message
      • fiction
      • film
      • global village
      • hypertext
      • information
      • intermediality
      • internet
      • language
      • media archaeology
      • open source
      • print media
      • radio
      • search engine
      • social media
      • storytelling
      • telecommunication
      • telephone
      • television
      • video surveillance
      • visualisation
      • writing
      • agriculture
      • animal
      • anthropocentrism
      • atmosphere
      • catastrophe
      • DNA
      • earth
      • ecosystem/ecology
      • energy
      • environment
      • evolution
      • four elements
      • geology
      • global warming
      • globe
      • landscape
      • magnetism
      • nature
      • ocean
      • outer space
      • physical law
      • plant
      • pollution
      • sustainability
      • vegetation
      • water
      • weather
      • authority
      • banking
      • censorship
      • conspiracy
      • democracy
      • discrimination
      • economy
      • equality
      • geopolitics
      • governance
      • heroism
      • human rights
      • imperialism
      • institution
      • law
      • manipulation
      • market
      • military
      • nationalism
      • patriarchy
      • politics
      • sovereignty
      • surveillance
      • terrorism
      • violence
      • warfare
      • afterlife
      • alchemy
      • bible
      • church
      • creation
      • crucifixion
      • esoterism
      • exodus
      • heretic
      • legend
      • mysticism
      • myth
      • mythological creature
      • mythology
      • paradise
      • religion
        • buddhism
        • christianity
        • islam
        • judaism
      • ritual
      • sacrifice
      • Saint
      • sin
      • spirituality
      • vision
      • worship
      • activism
      • capitalism
        • surveillance-capitalism
      • civilisation
      • community
      • consumption
      • counterculture
      • digital identity
      • diversity
      • ethnicity
      • feminism
      • food
      • globalization
      • individuality
      • information society
      • interculturalism
      • mass
      • mass culture
        • entertainment
        • parody
        • phantasmagoria
        • popular culture
        • spectacle
      • migration
      • minority
      • morality
      • native
      • otherness
      • participation
      • poverty
      • privacy
      • racism
      • territory
      • unemployment
      • urban space
      • voyeurism
      • wealth
      • working class
      • artificial intelligence
      • artificial life
      • biocomputer
      • blockchain
      • cybernetics
      • development
      • digitization
      • electricity
      • emulation
      • engineering
      • history of technology
      • innovation
      • intelligent environment
      • invention
      • mechanics
      • military technology
      • mobility
      • nonhuman communication
      • optics
      • product design
      • production
      • robot
      • simulation
      • supercomputing
      • technophobia
      • telematics
      • telepresence
  • Technology
    • Display
      • Electronic displays
        • BOOM (Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor)
        • CAVE (Computered Augmented Virtual Environment)
        • computer monitor
        • dome
        • Electromechanical Display Device
        • Electronic Paper
        • flashlight
        • Head-up Display
        • Headphones
        • HMD (Head-mounted Display)
        • holography
        • laser
        • light-emitting diode
        • lightbox
        • plasma
        • printer
        • projection screen
        • projector
        • robotic
        • speakers
        • VFD (Vacuum Florescent Display)
        • VRD (Virtual Retinal Display)
      • Non-electronic displays
        • body
        • Book
        • easel painting
        • globe
        • house wall
        • inflatable structure
        • mirror
        • paper
        • sculpture
        • shutter glasses
        • sofa
        • Somatosensory System / Tactile Feedback Technology
        • table
    • Hardware
      • camera
      • computer mouse
      • data glove
      • Joystick
      • MAC
      • Mobile Device
      • multi touchscreen
      • plotter
      • scanner
      • touchscreen
      • Video
      • Virtual Workbench
      • Virtuscope
      • webcam
    • Interface
      • Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)
      • biometrics
      • Body sensor
        • Body Tracking
        • brainwave sensor/brain-computer-interface
        • breathing sensor
        • Breathing-Balance-Interface-Vest
        • Endoscope
        • eye scanner
        • facial recognition system
        • Motion Capture
        • positiontracker
        • retina scanner
        • Speech Recognition
        • step sensor
      • camera recording
      • electromagnetism
      • interactive media
        • Auditory User Interface (AUI)
        • Augmented Reality Interfaces
        • breath based communication
        • Internet of Things (IoT)
        • Ludic Interface
        • MR-based (Mixed Reality) Interaction
        • Multi-Modal Interaction
        • tactile user interfaces
        • Tangible Acoustic Interface
        • Tangible User Interface (TUI)
        • Voice User interface
      • Non-electronic interface
        • bike
        • doll
        • furniture
        • plant
      • Soundgenerating device
        • Audiotape
        • keyboard
        • microphone
        • musical instrument
        • RFID (Radio-frequency Identification)
        • Speech Recognition
        • syntheziser
        • telephone
        • Theremin
        • turntable
        • voice analysis
        • Voice User Interface (VUI)
      • virtual balance
    • Software
      • C++
      • CGI/Perl
      • CSS
      • Global Positioning System (GPS)
      • ISDN
      • Java
      • Linux
      • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
      • periscope
      • PHP
      • RFID (Radio-frequency Identification)
      • robotic interfaces
      • SGI Onyx2
      • softimage
      • software interface
      • Video
      • VRML
      • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
      • XML
Archive of Digital Art (ADA). “ Stanza - »House«”. (retrieved 2010-03-06). @online{ADAartistprofile, author = {Archive of Digital Art (ADA)}, title = { Stanza - »House«}, url = {}, urldate = {retrieved 2010-03-06}
Descriptions & Essays
“House” by Stanza, is a dynamic public sculpture viewable over the internet. House is not a mute memorial to a related past but a live embodiment of change and renewal. House describes the space, a real Victorian terraced house, in this case, that the artist lives in. In “House”, the private interior has been made public. Sensor data unfolds and discloses the inherent properties of the space, creating an online artwork. The environment is disclosed and made public opened up and made transparent. Collected data through the house senses the living changing flow of the space. The air, light, heat of the physical property is monitored and the data is used for the online real time visualization. The changing sounds of the space are triggered by specially created software into a dynamic generative soundscape. You are allowed into my private space through the uses of new technologies that are used to mediate the archive of data, sounds and images. This also includes live CCTV and a wireless sensor network that is used as an interface to re-purpose and re-work the living space. The work is a reflection on social housing. London not so long ago was full of terraced housing. This is not a passive monument that no longer exists but house is revealed as a flow of space through time. Nodes of data are collected. A special hardware system has been custom installed and custom software created to allow the visualization on the internet. Eventually a network of environments and pods will be connected to show a global space, a global world of data. All houses can be connected in this way. HOUSE. What is "House." House involves gathering the material, ie, real time pure data from sensors and using the data as assets, to make an audio visualization of the real house. House is monitored as an environment and made real by the changing data over time. The form itself is represented by live sensor data from a wireless sensor network. I have set up ten node wireless mote network. (Motes sensor boards Mica 2 with sounder , noise, thermister sensors) When we are out of the house the building itself has behavior and so does the surrounding environment. On a smaller micro level things change constantly in "House". Taps leak, networks or connection from inside to outside changes. All these processes reflect the entity that is house. House is not as a bank of memories recast like Whiteread’s house or Michael Landy’s. House becomes a rigid structure that represents its dynamic presence. The house itself is made more alive by the objects that move inside and make noise, people for example. But this is not the particapatory or performative element in house, this is embedded in the artwork by default. The sensors themselves are controlling this. The house is made interactive by this element of control. The house is in fact monitored by technology over various networks. An online interface allows participants to mix across and view and interact with the resulting data streams. Interface Nodes have sounds attached via the sensors. Click to engage. The interface represents the data coming from various sensors coming across the network. KEYWORDS: House is a network, net art , networked, generative. Sensor, installation and database. House is also a real time audio and visualization of an environment. network: (1) a system or group of interconnected elements; (2) a set of nodes, points, or locations connected by means of data, voice, and video communications for the purpose of exchange. net art: art projects for which the (Internet) is both a sufficient and necessary condition of viewing/expressing/participating. networked art: (1) works in which nodes, objects, and people connect via computer networks, including the Internet, Local Area Networks, and mobile networks; (2) works that invite (inter)action and/or participation. generative. evolving continuous system of data. (1) bridge multiple realities while maintaining autonomy; The project gathers assets from the real house and represents this data across networks as an online system a generative experience of a a real architecture. (2) engage the user as a participant; The user participates in the online system by mixing and controlling the assets and the data. An interface will be created to enable this (3) include the dynamics of both one-to-one and one-to-many communication within the work; A multi- node wireless sensor network ie a rhizomatic network gathers the assets (data) and feeds it online for interpretation my end users. (4) require collaboration between artists, programmers, scientists, and others; and,(5) encourage dialogue. Technology: A network of live wireless sensors is deployed and this collects the data. A wireless sensor network with ten motes and multiple sensors on each data maps the environment. Using Tiny OS and open source software the motes are programmed so that they communicate over the air. Once OATP is established the data is collected and extracted via a router as xml. A unique system for live XML broadcast has to be developed which archives and relays the data to the online systems and interface. A java and PHP system is needed to relay the live data ie a mote reader. The motereader software developed allows the real time reading of sensors across networks . Two version of this projects that look the same. One is uses recorded data from the sensors at specific times. The other version uses real time data over the networks and is online when the sensors are connected.
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