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Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt - Scenocosme >
»Metamorphy«, 2014 - 2014
Co-Workers & Funding:
Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxthttp://www.scenocosme.com/metamorphy_e.htm
3D cameravideo projector
audio system
Installation Requirements / Space
Darkroomsize of the frame: 2,30m diameter, hanged from ceiling and linked by weights
Semi-transparent veilmirror
Descriptions & Essays
Métamorphy is an interactive artwork . Its offers immersive and projections of body by mixing real and imaginary reflects. Métamorphy refers to metamorphosis notion and the prefix « méta » means ideas of change, succession, to go beyond.
The semi-transparent veil has an elasticity which is incorporated within the processus of metamorphosis. When the hand pushes the fabric, it reveals various depth of matters. This veil is the sensitive surface of the artwork. It is a kind of skin, a frontier which is transformed when the spectator touches it. Then, it becomes again rigid when the spectator stops to touch it.
Gestures of spectators on the veil allow to change matter of images: tridimensional distortions generates visual and sonorous video matter which is transformed in real time through their interactions. Like a music score, each interaction zones on the fabric offer sonorous matters when the spectator pushes his hand. Then, when nobody interacts with the veil, it becomes rigid and virtual matters disappear. The reflect of the spectator is only visible.
Exhibitions & Events
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