»Robots+Avatars dreaming with Virtual Illusions« Light Box
»Robots+Avatars dreaming with Virtual Illusions«, 1998 - 2000
Co-Workers & Funding:
The installation is carried out in the C language with Microsoft Visual C++ - Windows NT 4.0. The part dealing with the graphic has been developed with the VC Division library. This interactive installation integrates virtual reality, robotics and telepresence with a high aesthetical content as well as an suggestive and enigmatic interaction. The Real ambience represented by a physical structure under the form of an Arena. The Virtual Ambiences is articulated by 10 different worlds or cities contained in the "Mother City" Ying&Yang. The personages in this installation exist both in real space Koala =robots and in virtual space Ying and Yang: avatars. Each can control the other and yet both are controlled by the user in a local space and also through the net (in a non local space).
The public can interact with each single robot in it's environment, by moving a joystick. This interaction generates a real time reaction in the behaviour of the robot as well in the avatars in the Vr-world, visible on the proyection screen at the top of the scenography of the arena " the real world".
Fischnaller, Franz. »Robots Avatars Dealing wih Virtual Illusions.« In Cyberarts `99: International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica, edited by Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder, 49-50. Vienna, New York: Springer, 1999.