Maurice Benayoun >
»So.So.So. (Somebody, Somewhere, Sometime«, 2002 - 2003
Co-Workers & Funding:
Siemens, München Co-Worker: Florian DomboisInstallation Requirements / Space
Internet, VR binoculars, video projectionSo.So.So. is an interactive installation by Maurice Benayoun that plunges the onlooker in the middle of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of reality. What the visitor finds with the help of VR binoculars is a series of spherical panoramas which depict a moment, the same one, at 7.47 in the morning in different places involving different persons in different situations.
Somebody, somewhere, some time.
Exploring these situations, the onlookers' eyes linger on specific details. They quickly glance at others desperately in quest of a meaning in the apparent banality of the scene. When they focus onto an element of the picture they slide from one scene to another. So doing, they conjure up the transitions, understanding the editing, now created, of which they are the involuntary cause. Thus sliding from one topic to another, from one thing to another, they do not at once understand that, what is actually displayed on the screen is their very own story that is being written.
Maurice Benayoun
Benayoun, Maurice. »So.So.So. Somebody, Somewhere, Sometime.« In Future Cinema, edited by Jeffrey Shaw und Peter Weibel. : MIT Press, 2002.