Maurice Benayoun >
»The Dump: Recycling of Thoughts«, 2010 - 2010
Co-Workers & Funding:
Exposition au Centre Łaźnia, Gdansk, Pol
The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes toutes faites, ils se virent proposer de jouer avec les principes et règles de l’art. Même si le blog était le début d’une expérimentation artistique, les projets étaient clairement différents.
Qu’est-ce que, le blog de Maurice Benayoun ? On peut le définir comme une décharge d’idées où les concepts artistiques sont entreposés, idées théoriques, souvent hypothétiques. The doit être perçu plutôt comme un commencement que comme une fin. Avec le blog, les idées sont matérialisées, elles entrent en circulation dans le monde de l’art. Un artiste offre un accès aux courants de sa conscience créative. 1 Pourquoi devrions-nous produire des idées quand on peut utiliser celles qui existent déjà ? C’est une question immanente du blog, dont la cible est constituée de critiques d’art, d’artistes et de commissaires d’expositions. n’est pas seulement un blog proposant des idées c’est aussi un projet artistique qui se développe sur Internet. Il peut également être défini comme un monumental travail de vie, le grand œuvre. Si nous supposons que l’art est une sorte de message où un objet créé n’est rien d’autre qu’un intermédiaire, Benayoun en créant son blog à idées a utilisé les spécificités d’Internet. Les idées qui restent dans votre esprit ou dans vos tiroirs sont simplement de « l’art pour l’art », tandis que sur Internet elles se transforment en actes de communication.
Demander à d’autres artistes d’accomplir vos idées a retourné les vecteurs et posent plusieurs questions cruciales pour l’art contemporain. Le point le plus important concernait la spécificité de l’artiste contemporain. Quelles sont les compétences utiles pour créer des messages artistiques ? Que reste-t-il du concept romantique du créateur ? 2 Un artiste devenu célèbre, est-il davantage connu pour lui-même que pour son travail ? L’art contemporain demande-t-il encore à être matérialisé ? Combien d\'œuvres d’art connaissons-nous sans les avoir jamais vues ? Ces questions ont eu une importance clé pour comprendre l’exposition et le travail présenté.3
The Dump-recyclage d’idées concerne aussi les relations qu’ont, aujourd’hui, l’artiste et le commissaire d’expositions. Dans l’esthétique traditionnelle, l\'œuvre créée était utilisée comme un intermédiaire entre l’artiste et celui qui la recevait. Avons-nous maintenant des commissaires d’expositions qui se sont substitués à l\'œuvre qui est dématérialisée ? C’est un fait que les commissaires d’expositions mettent les œuvres réalisées dans un certain contexte, confirmant souvent leur valeur en les acceptant dans une institution.4
Pour moi, l’aspect le plus intéressant du projet était le dialogue constant. Malgré sa finalité traditionnelle, la présentation dans une galerie d’art, le projet a été en constante évolution, 5 et il constituait également une invitation à la conversation, adressée aux récipiendaires. The Dump-recyclage d’idées a d’abord été une exposition sur les concepts artistiques et le processus de création, une tentative de poser les questions sur l’évaluation et la stratégie de la réception : une bonne idée, une réalisation minable ; du beau travail et un concept faible. D’un côté le projet était une provocation, de l’autre il a été une expérience. Sa réalisation comportait un certain risque. Les artistes accepteraient-ils d’utiliser les idées d’un autre créateur ? Ne risquais-je pas de n’avoir à montrer que des murs blancs avec la copie des lettres de refus ? Qui suis-je en tant que commissaire d’exposition ? Suis-je un instrument aux mains de l’artiste ? Ou l’un des nombreux acteurs ? La réalisation des concepts, leur interprétation, sont intégrées de manière immanente dans le blog.
1 Unrealized potential, exposition basée sur une idée similaire a été présentée à la Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, à l’été 2010. Omar Kholeif quand il a écrit sur l’exposition a souligné le défi que représente I’Internet pour le droit d’auteur. Cf. : http://www.frieze. com/shows/review/unrealised_potential/
2 Cela semble être particulièrement fort dans la perception sociale de l’art en Pologne.
3 The Dump-recyclage d’idées a son origine dans le blog et son sommaire y est également publié :
4 Cf. la notion d’art institutionnel d’Arthur Danto
5 On pourrait dire, pour paraphraser Nicolas Bourriaud, que l’exposition était un point à la ligne. Cf.: Esthétique relationnelle, Les Presses du réel 2002 (English translation, Relational Aesthetics, p. 21).
Blog de discussion et réflexions sur l'exposition (Polish/English)
DA Editor 04-02-2016
The Dump - recycling of ideas is a kind of artistic ideas laboratories. Artists were encouraged to extend the concepts of another artist, to use the concepts stored on the blog of Maurice Benayoun. Instead of ready-made, they saw one offer to play with the rules and principles of art. Although the blog was the beginning of an artistic experiment, the projects were clearly different. What, Maurice Benayoun's blog? It can be defined as a discharge of ideas where artistic concepts are stored, theoretical ideas, often hypothetical. The should be seen rather as a beginning than an end. With the blog, ideas are materialized, they come into circulation in the world of art. An artist offers access to the currents of his creative consciousness. Why should we generate ideas when you can use existing ones? It is an immanent question of the blog, whose target is made up of art critics, artists and curators. is not just a blog with ideas is also an art project that develops on the internet. It can also be defined as a monumental work life, the great work. If we assume that art is a sort of message in which an object created is nothing but an intermediary, Benayoun creating his blog ideas into it useing the Internet specificities. The ideas which stay in your mind or in your drawers are simply "art for art's sake", while on the Internet they turn into acts of communication. Ask other artists to accomplish your vision returned vectors and raise several issues crucial to contemporary art. The biggest issue was the specificity of the contemporary artist. What are the useful skills to create artistic messages? What remains of the romantic concept of the creator? An artist became famous, is he known more for himself than for his work? Is Contemporary art again asked to be materialized? How many works of art do we know without ever having seen? These issues were of key importance to understand the exhibit and the work présenté. The Dump-recycling ideas also concern relations, today, that of artist and curator. In traditional aesthetics, work created was used as an intermediary between the artist and the one who received it. Do we have curators who are replacing work that is dematerialised? It is a fact that the curators put the works created in a certain context, often confirming their value into the accepting ones in an institution. For me, the most interesting aspect of the project was the constant dialogue. Despite its traditional purpose, the presentation in an art gallery, the project was steadily changing, and he was also made an invitation to conversation addressed to recipients. The Dump-recycling ideas was first an exhibition of artistic concepts and the creative process, an attempt to ask questions about the assessment and strategy of the reception: a good idea, lousy execution; good job and a weak concept. On the one hand the project was a provocation on the other it was an experience. Its realization involved some risk. Did the artists accept to use the ideas of another creator? I did not risk not only having to show that white walls with copies of rejection letters? Who am I as a curator? Am I a tool in the hands of the artist? Or one of the many actors? The realization of concepts, their interpretation, are integrated immanently in the blog. Unrealized potential, exposure based on a similar idea was presented to the Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, in summer 2010. Omar Kholeif wrote about the Exhibition and highlighted the challenge that represents Internet to the right author. See: http: //www.frieze. com / shows / review / unrealised_potential / This seems to be particularly strong in the social perception of art in Poland. 3 The Dump-recycling ideas originated in the blog and its summary is also published there: 4 Cf. the concept of institutional art of Arthur Danto 5 One could say, to paraphrase Nicolas Bourriaud, the exhibition was a full stop. Cf .: Relational aesthetics, Les Presses real 2002 (English translation, Relational Aesthetics, p. 21). Blog discussion and reflection on the exhibition (Polish / English)
DA Editor: The Dump: Recycling of Thoughts, 04-02-2016, in: Archive of Digital Art The Dump - recycling of ideas is a kind of artistic ideas laboratories. Artists were encouraged to extend the concepts of another artist, to use the concepts stored on the blog of Maurice Benayoun. Instead of ready-made, they saw one offer to play with the rules and principles of art. Although the blog was the beginning of an artistic experiment, the projects were clearly different. What, Maurice Benayoun's blog? It can be defined as a discharge of ideas where artistic concepts are stored, theoretical ideas, often hypothetical. The should be seen rather as a beginning than an end. With the blog, ideas are materialized, they come into circulation in the world of art. An artist offers access to the currents of his creative consciousness. Why should we generate ideas when you can use existing ones? It is an immanent question of the blog, whose target is made up of art critics, artists and curators. is not just a blog with ideas is also an art project that develops on the internet. It can also be defined as a monumental work life, the great work. If we assume that art is a sort of message in which an object created is nothing but an intermediary, Benayoun creating his blog ideas into it useing the Internet specificities. The ideas which stay in your mind or in your drawers are simply "art for art's sake", while on the Internet they turn into acts of communication. Ask other artists to accomplish your vision returned vectors and raise several issues crucial to contemporary art. The biggest issue was the specificity of the contemporary artist. What are the useful skills to create artistic messages? What remains of the romantic concept of the creator? An artist became famous, is he known more for himself than for his work? Is Contemporary art again asked to be materialized? How many works of art do we know without ever having seen? These issues were of key importance to understand the exhibit and the work présenté. The Dump-recycling ideas also concern relations, today, that of artist and curator. In traditional aesthetics, work created was used as an intermediary between the artist and the one who received it. Do we have curators who are replacing work that is dematerialised? It is a fact that the curators put the works created in a certain context, often confirming their value into the accepting ones in an institution. For me, the most interesting aspect of the project was the constant dialogue. Despite its traditional purpose, the presentation in an art gallery, the project was steadily changing, and he was also made an invitation to conversation addressed to recipients. The Dump-recycling ideas was first an exhibition of artistic concepts and the creative process, an attempt to ask questions about the assessment and strategy of the reception: a good idea, lousy execution; good job and a weak concept. On the one hand the project was a provocation on the other it was an experience. Its realization involved some risk. Did the artists accept to use the ideas of another creator? I did not risk not only having to show that white walls with copies of rejection letters? Who am I as a curator? Am I a tool in the hands of the artist? Or one of the many actors? The realization of concepts, their interpretation, are integrated immanently in the blog. Unrealized potential, exposure based on a similar idea was presented to the Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, in summer 2010. Omar Kholeif wrote about the Exhibition and highlighted the challenge that represents Internet to the right author. See: http: //www.frieze. com / shows / review / unrealised_potential / This seems to be particularly strong in the social perception of art in Poland. 3 The Dump-recycling ideas originated in the blog and its summary is also published there: 4 Cf. the concept of institutional art of Arthur Danto 5 One could say, to paraphrase Nicolas Bourriaud, the exhibition was a full stop. Cf .: Relational aesthetics, Les Presses real 2002 (English translation, Relational Aesthetics, p. 21). Blog discussion and reflection on the exhibition (Polish / English)