FILE - Electronic Language International Festival
Founded: 2000; Sao Paulo , Sao PauloFestival Organizer
→ Art and Technology

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival is a non-profit cultural organization that sparks a reflexion on the main aspects of contemporary digital and electronic universe; disseminating the electronic language across Brazil and South America through events and publications since the year 2000.
FILE gathers works of aesthetic expression that capture the main trends and movements of our contemporary culture, which are diversified amongst the main categories of the festival:
Electronic Sonority: Sound Performance, Sound Installations, Sound Art, Genetic Music, Biologic Music, Classical Electronic Music, Pop Electronic Music, Dramatic Radio Broadcasting, Radio Art, Sound Landscape, Sound Robotics, Music Video, Sound Poetry, Sound Robotics, etc.
Interactive Art: installations, performances, internet projects, virtual reality, augmented reality, multitouch tables, digital objects, outdoor projections, phone projects, electronic graffiti, VRML, etc.
Digital Language: digital games, animation, digital theatre, machinima, digital video, digital architecture, digital fashion, digital design, robotics, artificial life, biological art, transgenic art, software art, new interfaces, animes, hypertexts, non-linear scripts, artificial intelligence, programming language, digital poetry, digital dance, etc.
Founded in the year 2000 by Ricardo Barreto and Paula Perissinotto, FILE aims to magnify technological discussions in the cultural scope. Besides the traditional annual event in São Paulo city, the festival expands itself across national and international borders to cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, São Luis and Brasilia.
FILE’s mission is to promote a wider access from the general public to technologic languages demonstrating how our contemporary world builds itself on the advances of new and digital medias.
Areas of Specialization
Art and Technology,
Installations, Interactive Installations, Sound Installations,
WebArt, MediaArt, VideoArt, Gifs,
Intereactive Movies,
Public Interventions,
Virtual Reality Art, Augmentaded Reality Art
Publications & References

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2019: 20 Anos de FILE 20 anos de Arte e Tecnologia. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.Sao Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2019.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2018: O corpo é a mensagem. Vol.1000. 1st th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2018.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE BELO HORIZONTE 2018. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2018.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo. FILE RIO DE JANEIRO 2018. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2018.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2017: o borbulhar de universos. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2017.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE BRASÍLIA 2017. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2017.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SOLO 2017. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2017.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE PAI 2017. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2017.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE Vitória 2017: toque aqui. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2017.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2016: venha passar do limite. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2016.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2015: THE NEW E-MOTION. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2015.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SP 2014: No rastro digital. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2014.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE GAMES RIO 2014. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2014.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE GAMES RIO 2013 – GAME LOVER. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2013.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SP 2012. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2012.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE RIO 2012. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2012.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2011. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2011.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE GAMES RIO 2011 – EU QUERO JOGAR. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2011.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE PORTO ALEGRE 2011. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2011.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE RIO 2010. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2010.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2010. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2010.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. Teoria Digital: dez anos do FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2010.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE 8 BIT GAME PEOPLE FILE: Games Rio 09 e FILE Hipersônica Rio 09. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2009.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2006. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2006.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE RIO 2006. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2006.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SÃO PAULO 2005: HIPERMÍDIAS. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Sesi Editora, 2005.

Perissinotto,Paula & Barreto,Ricardo, ed. FILE SYMPOSIUM 2005. Vol.1000. 1 th ed.São Paulo: Paula Perssinotto & Ricardo Barreto, 2005.

FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO online meetings, follow at:
The FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO online meetings, to be held on March 29, 30 and 31, 2021, will include professionals and researchers dedicated to the areas of digital memory, cultural heritage preservation and information technology, present in six round tables, presenting case studies, examples of archives and conservation strategies for organizations that aim the free dissemination and protection of art and technology collections. The event’s goal is to explore themes focused on the challenges imposed by the process of archiving media art, mapping and interconnecting metadata. Based on the results obtained at the meetings, a White Report will be produced and published containing the main reflections raised by the specialized professionals. Access will be free and the sessions will be broadcast live. To register and participate in the online meetings access the FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO platform.

FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO online meetings, follow at:
The FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO online meetings, to be held on March 29, 30 and 31, 2021, will include professionals and researchers dedicated to the areas of digital memory, cultural heritage preservation and information technology, present in six round tables, presenting case studies, examples of archives and conservation strategies for organizations that aim the free dissemination and protection of art and technology collections. The event’s goal is to explore themes focused on the challenges imposed by the process of archiving media art, mapping and interconnecting metadata. Based on the results obtained at the meetings, a White Report will be produced and published containing the main reflections raised by the specialized professionals. Access will be free and the sessions will be broadcast live. To register and participate in the online meetings access the FILEALIVE / ARQUIVOVIVO platform.

FILE International Electronic Language Festival team is committed to develop a platform to expand access and offer online content; in digital and electronic arts areas; freely available to the general public. Subscribe your proposal! It will be a pleasure to count on your participation!

FILE International Electronic Language Festival team is committed to develop a platform to expand access and offer online content; in digital and electronic arts areas; freely available to the general public. Subscribe your proposal! It will be a pleasure to count on your participation!

We are communicating to all of our partners, to all of our collaborators and to all of our participants, as well as to all of our audiences that FILE SAO PAULO 2020 is temporarily suspended. As a result, the event, at this moment, cannot be held due to the current world and national scenario regarding the security measures that are adopted by governments, institutions, public and private bodies referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. FILE – Electronic Language International Festival appreciates the efforts of the FILE team and of all the artists involved so far in preparing the exhibition and is committed to communicating them as soon as a new date is confirmed.

We are communicating to all of our partners, to all of our collaborators and to all of our participants, as well as to all of our audiences that FILE SAO PAULO 2020 is temporarily suspended. As a result, the event, at this moment, cannot be held due to the current world and national scenario regarding the security measures that are adopted by governments, institutions, public and private bodies referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. FILE – Electronic Language International Festival appreciates the efforts of the FILE team and of all the artists involved so far in preparing the exhibition and is committed to communicating them as soon as a new date is confirmed.
Exhibitions & Events