Elke Reinhuber >
»A Standard Video«, 2014 - 2014
Co-Workers & Funding:
Commissioned by Bruno LatourSupported by Armin Linke and Sebastian Pelz
HD-Video, 12 minMethod
Video with text overlays, displaying several video standardsSound
Interview with the press spokesman of the German institute for standardisationElke Reinhuber 25-07-2021
D.I.N., the German Institute for Standardisation, is the extremely influential national standards body that represents German interests in European and international standards organisations since 1917. Their press spokesman, Mr. Anthony, describes in an interview their services, aims and origins. At the same time, the concept of standardisation is elucidated by visualising some standards of video technology.
Elke Reinhuber: A Standard Video, 25-07-2021, in: Archive of Digital Art D.I.N., the German Institute for Standardisation, is the extremely influential national standards body that represents German interests in European and international standards organisations since 1917. Their press spokesman, Mr. Anthony, describes in an interview their services, aims and origins. At the same time, the concept of standardisation is elucidated by visualising some standards of video technology.