2 x PAL Laser Disc Players,Hardware
1 x LCD Video Projector (Barco, Sony, or similar) plus ceiling rack,Installation Requirements / Space
1 x TableIn the installation Frontiers of Utopia the visitor is confronted with eight virtual female characters, based on the histories of real women who were born in different periods: 1900, 1930, 1960 and 1990. All eight characters dream of the way in which they will change their own lives as well as the world around them. In formulating their ideal future they also paint a picture of their own history and the way in which they view their world. The network of stories and references shows a rich variation in ideas, attitudes and historical perspectives with regard to the subjects that are being discussed. Although they all strive for their own ideals in their own time, they share common worries about happiness and health, reflecting also their worries about the future.
DEAF Festival 1996 / SoftSite
Schwarz, Hans-Peter, ed. Medien - Kunst - Geschichte. Anläßlich der Eröffnung des Museums für Neue Kunst, ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe am 18. Oktober 1997, Medienmuseum th ed.München, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 1997.
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