Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human life.

Elke Reinhuber's work focuses on decision making processes and counterfactual thoughts in media arts. As a decidophobic in her own life, she explores in particular alternative layers of the here and now with immersive environments and expanded photography.

... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.

...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
.. pens up the body to the experience of the digital: moves the corporeal from the stasis of cinema (and the railway carriage) to the movement of architecture, ghosting in the secular the Gothic’s divine architecture of light, but preserving the escape from destiny so long fought for and so weakly held ..

.. working with recent studies from genetic biology, geophysics and other scientific disciplines, Kisseleva finds conflicts in a process and, where possible, proposes a solution ..

.. His publications include Timeshift: On Video Culture, Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture, Digital Aesthetics, Simulation and Social Theory, The Cinema Effect, EcoMedia ..

.. In recent years, CIRIO has caused commotion among global companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook by exploiting their technical and economic practices and their strategic exploitation of private data ..