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To search the Archive of Digital Art use the search field on the upper right corner of every page or select ARCHIVE in the menu to go to the archive page for a detailed search.

Next to the search field a dropdown menu will help you to specify your search query. You can select the options: all (full text search), literature, works and artists.

How to filter your search results

Sort the list of results according to title, date or relevance with the sorting menu right above your result list. Additionally you can filter your results with a faceted classification system in the right-hand column.

How to search by Keyword

  1. Go to ARCHIVE page
  2.  Click on ‚search by keyword‘ to open the keyword index
  3. Open the parent terms by clicking ‚+‘ to see the related terms and sub-categories
  4. Click on a term to see all artworks labelled with this keyword in the result list

How to search by Indices

As another browsing alternative through ADA you can use the three Indices for artists, institutions and keywords. You find the Indices either on the ARCHIVE page in the right-hand column, or in the search page for keywords.

How to use the Media Art Thesaurus

The Media Art Research Thesaurus website was created in the framework of a research project (2015) led by Prof. Oliver Grau in collaboration with the Grafische Sammlung Stift Göttweig. ADA is linked to the Media Art Research Thesaurus and vice versa. You can access the Thesaurus website either by clicking on THESAURUS in the menu or go to
On the Media Art Research Thesaurus website your search results show artworks both stored on ADA and GSSG database, the GRAPHIC ART COLLECTION GÖTTWEIG ABBEY.

On ADA however you can filter your search via the keywords and only get results from the ADA database.

The thesaurus and the Media Art Research website are currently under development again.


We welcome professional media artists, scholars, researchers and institutions to be part of our ADA Community and to help documenting the ever-changing world of Digital/New Media Art!

(Please be aware that the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART requires at least the participation at 5 international exhibitions, festivals and/or scientific publications to qualify as a member)

To become a member you need to create your own profile, which we kindly ask you to fill in as precisely as possible.

  1. Go to the LOGIN page
  2. Click on the link ‚application form‘ and fill in the required information. Please note: Fields marked red must be completed for registration.
  3. Please specify your qualifications in the field: " Comments (information on exhibitions / publications etc.): "
  4. Click register to complete your registration.

 Your request will be sent to the ADA-Team and confirmed within 1-7 days. You will receive an e-mail as soon as your account is approved.

Why do I have to select a profession?

The ADA team needs the information whether you are an artist, scholar or both, or an institution to provide an adequate profile for you. Artists for example will probably focus their attention on documentation of their works, whereas scholars won’t need the category „works“ at all.

Terms of Use

For more detailed information about rights and regulations when using ADA please look at the Terms of Use.